sexta-feira, fevereiro 27, 2004

Mas acham que alguém fala de coisas sérias?

Depois dos Serviços Secretos britânicos terem escutado as conversas telefónicas de Kofi Annan, o Montra teve acesso a essas transcrições, que agora reproduzimos, embora parcialmente:

- 26/01/2003 - 10:14 - 10:15
Annan - Good morning Sarah, could you get me a cup of coffee, please...
Sarah - Right away, sir.

- 26/01/2003 - 10:20 - 10:21
Annan - Sarah, this coffee is cold...
Sarah - I'm sorry, sir, I'll get you another.
Annan - No problem, Sarah, happens to everybody.

- 26/01/2003 - 10:22 - 10:23
Annan - Hello, Jim...
Jim - Yes, sir?
Annan - Could you please fire Sarah, the bitch got me cold coffee...
Jim - Consider it done, sir.
Annan - And Jim...
Jim - Sir?...
Annan - Hire me another secretary, preferably blonde, with big... you know... like the one in the cafeteria...
Jim - Sure thing, Sir

- 03/03/2003 - 03:41 - 03:41
Annan - Bonnie, dear, I know it's late, but could you come in here, please.

- 03/03/2003 - 03:48 - 03:53
Annan - What!?
Mrs. Annan - Hello? Kofi?
Annan - Oh... hel... hello, dear...
Mrs. Annan - You sound tired, honey, is everything alright?
Annam - Yeah, I mean, yes, I mean... I was just redecorating my office... its really heavy stuff I got here...
Mrs. Annan - Redecorating? At 3 AM? Are you sure?
Annan - Don't start, dear, I'm really busy right now.
Mrs. Annan - Yes, you must be!
Annan - Look, I've got Putin on the other line, we'll talk when I get home. Vladimir, are you there? Stop it already, Bonnie!
Putin - Hello, Kofi...
Annan - Vladimir... how are you? We... we haven't spoke in a... a long time...
Putin - You tired? You cheat on me?
Annan - No, honey, look...
Putin - You want to start World War III? You mad? You know I love you!
Annan - Don't give me that shit! I saw you making out with that Portuguese skinny minister in the last Nato convention! Oh, don't stop now, Bonnie...
Putin - Do not put Little Paulie between us! Do not make fun of me!

Logicamente, não nos chegaram quaisquer transcrições de conversas politicamente interessantes. Aliás, toda a gente sabe que as escutas telefónicas só servem para ouvir este tipo de conversação. O mesmo se passa com os dicionários: só servem para procurar palavras porcas. E não finjam que nunca procuraram.